
Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy outlines the protocols and measures concerning the gathering, utilization, and sharing of Your personal data while engaging with our Service. This document also informs you of your privacy entitlements and the legal safeguards in place. Your use of our Service signifies your acceptance of the practices detailed in this Privacy Policy.

Interpretation and Definitions

Terms that begin with a capitalized letter are defined as per the contexts provided below. These specified definitions remain consistent, irrespective of their appearance in singular or plural forms.
User: Refers to the individual engaging with the Service, whether personally or on behalf of an organization or other legal entity.GDPR Context: Within the framework of the General Data Protection Regulation, the User can be termed as the Data Subject.Company: Here in recognized as "the Company" or by pronouns "We", "Our", and "Us", represents OYSTEQ SOFTWARE DESIGN L.L.C., stationed at UAE, Dubai, Office No. 35-2501, owned by Bassam Ibrahim Al-Sulaiman Al-Bassam - Al-Thaniyah Al-Wala, holding Commercial License 1111164.Account: A distinctive profile set up for the User to gain entry to specific sections or the entirety of our Service.Platform: Refers to the Owner.One website, available at https://owner.one.Application: Denotes the Owner.One algorithm.Service Partner: Any individual or establishment that processes data on the Companys behalf. This encompasses external entities or individuals the Company contracts to support the Service, perform related functions, assist in Service analysis, or promote the Service. In GDPR parlance, they are deemed Data Processors.Third-party Social Media Platforms: Websites or social media portals enabling Users to register or sign in to utilize the Service.Individual Data: Information pertaining to an identifiable person. Under GDPR, it encompasses details like names, ID numbers, and more. As per CCPA, it's information that can be linked, directly or indirectly, to an individual.Cookies: Tiny data packets placed on devices by websites, often storing user preferences or browsing history.Operational Data: Data accumulated automatically from Service usage or its infrastructure (like page visit duration).Data Steward: In the GDPR context, it's the Company responsible for determining the processing objectives and means for Individual Data.Do Not Track (DNT): An initiative, primarily by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, urging the internet sector to allow users control over their online activity tracking.Consumer: Within the CCPA framework, it's an individual residing in California, inclusive of those temporarily outside the USA.Transaction: In CCPA terms, it denotes any form of communication or transfer of a Consumer's Personal information to another enterprise or third party, potentially in exchange for a value.These definitions provide clarity for the terms employed throughout this Privacy Policy.

Gathering and Utilization of Your Individual Information

Categories of Information Procured
Individual InformationEngagement with Our Platform: Collection of Your Personal Details In the course of utilizing Our Services, we may prompt you to furnish specific information that holds the potential to pinpoint your identity either directly or when combined with other data. This detailed personal information might comprise, but is not confined to:
  • Electronic mail (email) address
  • Forename and surname
  • Profile image
  • Uploaded documents
  • Contact number
  • Correspondence address
  • Residential details
  • Assets and Liabilities - Specifications and Estimation
  • Details of insurance policies
  • Designated beneficiary's contact details including name, email, and phone number
Usage DataService Interaction Data is systematically gathered during your engagement with our platform. Such data might encompass details like the IP address of your device, the kind of browser you're employing, its version, the specific pages of our platform you've accessed, the timestamps of your visits, duration on each page, and distinct device markers along with diagnostic insights.Management and Allocation of Your Individual InformationOur enterprise utilizes Individual Information based on the following rationales:Service Delivery and Sustenance: To offer and consistently enhance the services we present.Account Oversight: To facilitate the administration of your account registration on our platform. The details you submit grant you access to a suite of exclusive features pertinent to registered users.Contractual Execution: Encompassing the initiation, adherence, and completion of a procurement agreement pertaining to goods or services you've acquired, or any other agreements established with us via our platform.Engagement: We might reach out through diverse channels like emails, phone interactions, SMS, or other synonymous digital methods, possibly encompassing app push alerts, to disseminate relevant updates or details about our offerings, services, or security enhancements as required or deemed pertinent.Updates and Offers: Keeping you informed about news, promotions, and a gamut of services we present, unless you've chosen to abstain from such communications.Attending to Inquiries: Addressing and managing any queries or concerns you direct towards us.Safeguarding Your Individual InformationPreserving the integrity of your Individual Information remains paramount to us. However, it's crucial to understand that no online transmission or electronic storage method is entirely impervious to breaches. Although we're committed to employing industry-standard protections for your Individual Information, we cannot assure complete invulnerability.Ensuring Data Privacy with Third-Party Service ProvidersThird-party Service Providers have access to your Individual Data solely for the execution of specified tasks on our behalf. They are contractually bound to abstain from disclosing or utilizing this data for any unrelated objectives.Website AnalysisOur company might collaborate with external Service Providers to oversee and assess the engagement with our platform.Google Analytics, provided by Google, is a tool that captures and documents web traffic. Google employs this gathered data to analyze the engagement with our platform. This data might be assimilated with other Google offerings. Subsequently, Google can utilize this integrated data to enhance and tailor its ad network.Should you wish to abstain from sharing your on-platform activity with Google Analytics, you can integrate the Google Analytics opt-out extension to your browser. This extension restricts the Google Analytics JavaScript (comprising ga.js, analytics.js, and dc.js) from sharing visitation data.For a comprehensive understanding of Google's privacy protocols, please refer to their dedicated privacy page: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en.Electronic Communications OutreachWe may utilize your Individual Data to engage with you via newsletters, marketing campaigns, and other relevant updates. If you choose to withdraw from these communications, you can either follow the 'unsubscribe' prompt in our emails or reach out to us directly. For these electronic communications, we might collaborate with specific Email Marketing Service Providers.Transaction ServicesCertain products or offerings within our platform may be billable. In such instances, we collaborate with third-party transaction processing services. Rest assured, we neither collect nor store your payment credentials. This data is conveyed directly to our partnered payment processors, who manage your personal data in accordance with their specific Privacy Policies. It's worth noting that these entities adhere to the stringent standards prescribed by PCI-DSS, facilitated by the PCI Security Standards Council. This alliance comprises major brands like Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover, and their standards advocate for the secure management of payment details.Modifications to Our Privacy GuidelinesOccasionally, we might revise our Privacy Guidelines. Whenever such modifications occur, we'll ensure you're informed by displaying the updated guidelines on this section.Ahead of these changes taking effect, we'll communicate to you either via an email or through a distinct notification on our platform, and we will also adjust the "Revision Date" at the beginning of these guidelines. It's prudent to revisit these Privacy Guidelines at regular intervals to stay abreast of any alterations. The modifications come into force as soon as they are made live on this section.
Reach Out to Us
For any clarifications or queries related to these Privacy Guidelines, please send us an email at info@personal-account.owner.one.